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Already Opened Containers & Crazy Townfolk


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I don't know if these mods exist,but if you do can you give me their official names?

1)A mod where the town or city doesn't go crazy if you aggro the guards.(The people don't jump in and try to help or attack you,they just run away)

2)A mod so you can see what containers are empty without having to open/search them.

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1) I don't know, I think nobody has create a similar mod



2) There is this: Vacuity

It add a new HUD component just under your crosshair. It is visible only when you target a container or dead NPC.

It show "Empty", if the container/NPC corpse is empty; otherwise it shows the gold value of the items. So you can decide to loot only container/NPC with a good gold value and leave the others.

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Forii-Works fine.Thanks..and thanks for your quickness :thumbsup:


Valkyrie-Mod 1:I got the one Forii suggested (cause their post was first) but if the one you suggested works better I'll use that.

Mod 2:Not exactly what I was looking for with the guards,but dammit if that isn't intriguing (and it will help) So hey thanks. (And thanks for your quickness too!) :tongue:

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