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Can't figure out a missing hand mesh


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MMMk so I have created a new race, and all the hand is there and all but there is a missing mesh box attached to the right hand that just moved with the character freakishly odd.


I have no idea why....I really don't is it due to maybe animations, or something is all i can think of since the characters hand is there, showing...I am lost and confused XD

because I don't know if its the race i created or an animation or both T-T

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I am going to check my vanilla races to see if it shows up on them as well.

okay so its just my race, that I created >.< that the right had has a missing mesh symbol O.o;

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Ivy, start your editor up, open oblivion and your race mod. Make your mod active. Then on top go to the Characters tab, click races. Select yours. Then on the Body tab theres an option for hand. Make sure it has a texture choosen for it.
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just the right hand but the mesh was wrong i changed it and its still showing as messed up, so am going to try a completely new mesh to see if thats it so defaulting to a ren mesh and body >.<


which makes the coloring off but eh, theres no Yellow mesh symbol but the damn thing is discolored from the face now but whatever it works XD.

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Remember that symbol can come from meshes or textures. The mesh is the shape, the texture is just the coloring/skin. You prolly know that already but eh :wacko:









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