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I don't know how to get my weapons into the game


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Hi guys,so i'm new to the geck and ive learnt how to edit weapons already in the game and to change the weapon id so i can create a new weapon,but i've no idea how to get these weapons into the game and how to find the command code for them.any help would be really appreciated.i'm still getting the hang of the geck so any advice would be really helpful,thanks.also id like to know how to add sounds from other weapons onto different weapons,as i cant find any in the sound list,and lastly,how do you add a scope?
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I dont know why people veiw topics and dont hel when obviously they are capable, but I will try to help.


I am reletively knew to the GECK also, so my advise may not be completely clear.


Once you have created your weapon, what you need to do is add it to the game. To do that you need to go into the cell view window and select a place to put your weapon. When I do not put my weapons in containers I drop them on top of lucy wests house in megaton. To do that, in the cell view window, select the drop down menu that defaults to interiors and find megatonworld. click on this, and a list of places will come up in the little window thing below the drop down menu. Lucy Wests house is located in "megatonplaza". double click on that and megaton will appear in the render window, the blank window with a grey background. By pressing in and holding your mouse scroll wheel, you can drag yourself around megaton. lucy's house is located right and up of where the window initially loads. Lucy's house has a walkway on top. now zoom in to the top of the house. drag your weapon from the object window to the render window. once it is in the render window, move your mouse over to the top of it and a cross will appear, by clicking and dragging once you have this cross, you can position your weapon. to get it to sit on the roof once it is positioned, you can do one of three things. 1. press F and it will drop down to some level where another object will stop it. 2. press the HK button on the menu bar thing on the actual geck. (I wouldnt use this because if your gun is too far above the surface, it could bounce off of the roof...) or 3. Hold the z key and drag the weapon down manually. Once it is in place save and load it up in game.


Hope you have fun, and understand what I said. :thumbsup:

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thank you so much,i knew the render window was used to place things but i had no idea how to use it.Just the kind of answer i was wanting,detailed and not really hard to understand :)

by the way,do you know how to add scopes?

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scopes you add in the edit of the weapon.


when you edit a weapon you go to the art and sound tab.

select in there the scope box. now when you press edit on that box you will see a folder.

go your way in that folder to where your scope nif files are placed. (if you have none downloaded, get some good ones from the site.just type scopes in search and you will have some good ones.)

add the one of your choice. now you have the nif file added and have to get the scope feeling.

select in the main edit the game data.

go on the left to sight fov and fill in there something like 28.

the lower the count the further you see.

save the weapon and then save the esp in the save box.

now your gun has the scope view added.


for adding scopes on the gun it self(making a scoped weapon) you need blender but that is a different story.

hope this had helped you.. ;)

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