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GEEZUS!!! Why, why, is Alistair.........


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............to die???!!! Especially at lower ( beginning ) levels. Is it because he's a Templar? Is it because of his armor? He doesn't have the Threaten ability yet. So what gives? I don't have a Mage main character so I can't keep him healed up yet. Don't have enough pots either. Damn, he's lame.

Unless I take full control of him, he's dead. period. :wallbash:

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............to die???!!! Especially at lower ( beginning ) levels. Is it because he's a Templar? Is it because of his armor? He doesn't have the Threaten ability yet. So what gives? I don't have a Mage main character so I can't keep him healed up yet. Don't have enough pots either. Damn, he's lame.

Unless I take full control of him, he's dead. period. :wallbash:


In tactics, set him defensive. It isn't a cure all but it helps.

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The enemy's will always attack the one first with the highest attack ability. So in most parties Alistair is this one and so he has to fight 2 or more. Especially in the beginning this is to much for him without the help of another party member.

In tactics i have set him to attack the same i do. That helps a little because i can protect him like he is protecting me.

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Have done a little video to show how Alistair is acting.



The settings are that he is attacking that enemy who is attacking the main character. Same for my brave Mabari.

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Personally I've had a harder time at keeping characters like Zevran, Sten and Oghren up (which might be I've kicked them out of my party in favour of a range attacker lol).

Alistair isn't hard to keep up; although when he is being hit hard I switch to him and I desperately try and get that damn mage down as he has 10 other guys on him :<.

Max out his shield and sword techniques too, particularly the Shield defense ones, and the one that allows him to block from all angles o_O lol.

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Have done a little video to show how Alistair is acting.



The settings are that he is attacking that enemy who is attacking the main character. Same for my brave Mabari.



The entire game can be set to run with no fight interaction on normal mode using tactics presets. My experience is that there are only a few fights that you will lose by simply removing your hands from the keyboard (if you set it up properly....which is surprisingly easy).


I have experienced what you are talking about previously. I remember thinking "Why must he die every...single...fights?"


The game presets do not include a "chug pot" tactic. Set it to <40% and drag it to tactic #1.

If you are running Wynne as full-time healer then you can set it to 30% or even 20%. Don't not use a chug tactic just because you have a healer though, healers get stunned, and sometimes the incoming dmg is sl large that you need both.


Here are some basic tips I have learned. Keep in mind that I am still a noob at this game so I'd encourage more advanced players to correct any misinformation.



1. Set Alister's tactics in roughly this order: Default: Defender

a) Self - hp - <30% ---> use item - health poultice.

b) party member - controlled character - being attacked by - melee ---> attack

c) Self - surrounded by greater than 2 enemies --> activate ability - shield wall


2. Set Wynne like so: Ranged: Healer

a) Self - hp - < 50% --> use item - health poultice

b) ally - Alister - hp <75% --> use ability - heal

c) party member - controlled character - hp - < 50% --> use ability - group heal


3. you do not want to set alister's target to yours unless you are a melee dps. If you are a mage or archer and you attack the emissary 1st (as you should), then he will run past the melee mobs after the emissary and your healer or ranged will get pwnd.


4. Make sure that your healer is not set to attack nearest enemy when not healing because since they are set to range, this can pull extra mobs, or pull mobs out of tanks threaten range.


5. Just spec Alister into every single shield talent. all 16 of them. As you begin to face more powerful bosses, the dmg-oriented shield tree talents will help keep them off your nukers. Initial aggro is important, but he needs to be set to keep it as well.


6. If you set lilieana to pure archer and gear her correctly she will pull mobs off of him constantly. Set her target to either Alister's or Controlled character. If she is hitting a proximity target that he is not actively beating on then it will peel off him. She can handle this with dirty tricks and misdirect, but those scenarios entail a dps loss which ultimately lengthens fights and increases the chances that someone, or all, dies.


7. You, as mage or archer, want to grab aggro on mages. you also want to be away from the group. If a mage fireballs alister, then you have a situation where alister AND any melee you roll with are in need of healing. Not only does heal have a cd, but healing is mana-intensive. you are setting yourself up for mana trouble with wynne, and you will spend half the game making pots to compensate.


Do these things and the game will play itself through fights. You only need to activate tactics for the warden and watch it like a movie.

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