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Commander Shepard in DA


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How hard will it be to get his head into the game? I extracted his face textures from Mass Effect 2, but I need help on where to start on creating the rest.

Is there an easier way to import his head or am I gonna have to try and remake it with the DA tools? and if I do how will I be able to use the texture I got from ME2



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  • 6 years later...

There was a mod back in the days for this. i recently started playing again and i wanted to put the mod again. but for some reason i did not find it anywhere. i think it was from Nexusmods, but i guess it was removed (or i'm wrong and it was from somewhere else).

I have a couple of screenshots though. i made them myself, march of 2013...




It is not perfect recreation, but it was very close, especially when you play (when everything is in motion - the stills are not very good, i believe it looked a little better in game)


anyone knows what happened to that mod?

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