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Absurd Animal/Creatures Strength at High Difficulty


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Hi everyone

Am I the only one that has noticed that when you turn up the difficulty, creatures like Skeevers, Wolves and animals in general become immensivly stronger?


I'm playing a Legendary right now, and I got a few comba mod installed, Duel - Combat Realism, Skydie Prepare To Cry, Ultimate Combat, and Locational Damage, I'm trying to make things as realistic as possible. Only I've encoutered some, problems....


It appears that I can instantly kill a bandit with one arrow shot in the head if he hasn't got an helmet, it appears that if a bandit strikes me with a Warhammer and I only got a Hide Armor, he kills me, that's all fair enough and fairly realistic.

But it also appears that if I'm wearing a Steel Plate Armor, full from foot to head, Mudcrabs and Skeevers can kill me with one single hit. And that's VEERY unrealistic.


Is out there a mod, or do you know a way, we could fix that?

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