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Crossbow fire rate speed issues...


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So, here is my query.


I cannot get crossbows, be they vanilla or mod added, to change their fire rate. I have never been able to do this in my game at all, as long as Ive been trying it at least. I have seen several mods on the nexus that say they alter crossbow reload times, but they aren't changing anything that im not already changing.


Example: Ghosu mentions changing the speed of his rifles in a blase manner on his video @ 1:48



Again nothing new to me, Ive been tweaking bow and weapon speeds in skyrim for almost 4 years now and as far as I can tell it always works (xbows excluded).


However, in my game with anything crossbow based I get no changes at all. Everything seems stuck at speed 1.00. Does anyone have a hunch as to why this might be happening? Maybe everyone else is just assuming and you cant actually change this variable on xbows? :tongue:

Edited by stuff444
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That's Interesting to know. I've recently been tweaking the speeds of weapons for a few months ( I'm new to modding )

I have never have changed the speed of reload time at crossbow or bow before. I figured because, they involved a different formula. This is good to know in case I decide to alter speeds. I specialize in altering Damage, weight, and my favorites, critical and stagger ratings.


If reload time is your concern may I make a suggestion?

I'm not sure if you apply mods to your game but this one here may help http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=312468079 I was kind of surprised about draw speeds and reload times at first but, I've noticed that with this applied, it makes all bows and crossbows fire quicker, and reload faster by a reasonable amount.


I hope that this helps and that you find the problem to your dilemma as I'm curious about this myself!

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