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Suddenly can't load previous saves


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I installed OSR (Oblivion Stutter Remover) because it helped a lot on another computer, but after doing so, the game crashes immediately when trying to load anything. And while I had a few saves that worked, the next time I loaded Oblivion nothing, not even ancient saves from way-back-when, will load.


Even if you completely remove the files and try to load a game you haven't yet tried to load (I've found sometimes the act of loading will destroy a save), the problem persists. The only way to actually play the game is...you guessed it, start all over. Naturally I'm not exactly keen on this and I don't understand why uninstallation doesn't fix the problem. Is there anything I can do to recover my saves?

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OSR can have some serious side effects. When you start messing with things such as program memory Heaps, the wrong settings can do some serious damage to your files.

The first thing I'd recommend is making a backup of all remaining good saves so you don't lose any more. The next thing I'd recommend is reinstaling OSR, and then try changing some of its INI settings.


From your description, I'm betting OSR applied some settings that your computer really didn't like, and those settings may not have been undone when you uninstalled. As such the only way to correct the problem is to try to change them again. I'm afraid I can't help more than that as there's no way to know exactly what settings are the problem.

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