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LOD meshes Not fading out when i get close

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My topic title pretty much caps what this is about. When I am approaching objects in the wasteland (like destroyed houses, power lines, bridges....rocks) that where once in the distance and rendered with a LOD mesh, the LOD mesh does not disappear and overlaps with the normal mesh. This only happens to objects that are loaded first as an LOD mesh in the distance. If I load up the game next to something, it will appear fine.



Below I will post my load order and a screenshot of what I am talking about








Mod load order report

! Warning: current load order template contains 19 duplicate entries



Masterlist Information: $Revision$, $Date$, $LastChangedBy$








Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm








FOOK2 - Main.esm


FOOK2 - [*censored*] World And Neighbourhood Kit.esm


FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esm (Inactive)


Mart's Mutant Mod.esm


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp


CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp




Destruction - Main - Statics.esp


FOOK2 - Main.esp

! This plugin requires 'calibr.esm and fook2 - main.esm', which was not found


FOOK2 - [EVE] Energy Visuals Enhanced.esp


FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp (Inactive)


FOOK2 - Mothership Zeta.esp (Inactive)


MyFOOK2 - No Rape Victims.esp


MyFOOK2 - Black & White Tranquility Lane.esp


FOOK2 - [DESTRUCTION] Main - Statics.esp (Inactive)




WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp


WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp


WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp




Tactical Vest CIRAS.esp


Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp




CALIBR Ammo Schematics - CRAFT.esp


Alternate Start - Roleplayers.esp (Inactive)




EVE Operation Anchorage.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp


Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp


dD-Full Screen Blood.esp


dD-More Gore.esp


dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp


dD-More Gore-The Pitt.esp


dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp


dD-Smaller Wounds.esp


dD-Smaller Spatters.esp




FO3 Performance Enhancer.esm

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


The Groovatron.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


FOOK2 - RH_IronSights.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Childhood Beginning.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



! This plugin depends on master 'rh_ironsights.esm', which is loading after it in the load order

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Tactical Vest CIRAS - Vendor Restock Script.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp (Inactive)

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



! This plugin depends on master 'rh_ironsights.esm', which is loading after it in the load order

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



! This plugin depends on master 'xcalibr.esm', which is loading after it in the load order

! This plugin depends on master 'xcalibrmunitions.esp', which is loading after it in the load order

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



! This plugin depends on master 'xcalibr.esm', which is loading after it in the load order

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


KillableKidsNormalHealthOptional.esp (Inactive)

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


The Groovatron_AS.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


F.O.W.E- FelloutPatch.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Zombie Apocalypse.esp (Inactive)

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Realistic Death Physics.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


AsharasHairConversionsForFemales_v01.esp (Inactive)

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


FOOK2 DIK [Hotfix].esp (Inactive)

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Ammo Box Respawn.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.



* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Enclave Ammo Box Respawn.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


medkit and toolbox respawn.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.

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Little bit of an update. I narrowed it down to F.O.W.E (fallout winter edition) causing the problem. I'm working to resolve it now.



Still having trouble with this. it happens only to some LOD meshes, and not others....any help please? Its appreciated.

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It can be a lot of reasons, dependencies and settings and so on and so forth that make your game stuck with lowpoly LODs. I messed around with this for a while (when creating new world spaces) and one solution is to make the .esp into an .esm (if that one uses new or edited LOD objects).

I got the impression .esm has another run level and supports new/changed LOD fully(although little is found if this actually is the case compared to .esp). Anyhow from getting stuck LOD objects here and there they disappeared completely. If nothing else helps it could be worth a try.

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I deal with this problem as well but i use all self made mods with the exceptions of like 2-3 and i only have like 10 mods total. None mess with LOD and this just started recently so it might not be linked to a mod...the game doesn't purge its memory very well so I'm guessing the LOD's are simply unpurged left over memory and their stacking...why its just started recently i have no idea...I think i had seen somewhere on the nexus someone had successfully found a way to purge the cell buffers so you might wanna try that mod. I do know my gfx card is dying and has a burnt memory module so it just could be a symptom of it getting worse...But i deal with more glitches then just this so our problems may differ.
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Thanks for the the help, though the problem still exists. I know for a fact that it is fallout winter edition doing this, un-checking the .esp is fixing the problem, but taking out the mod of course. I think there's nothing I can do until the author decides to fix it.


Though I could be wrong and its something I did wrong in installing the mod.

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