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BFG's Swap Broken Armor or Weapons; & Item Health Scales Encha


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Started a new thread as the mod's name has changed (to protect the innocent). Hope no one minds!

I've been surprised by the lack of feedback thus far - posted a month now, and only 50 unique downloads with 1 comment and no endorsements.



Any suggestions, bug reports, or general comments are appreciated. The mod in question has several features:


--All features can be turned on or off, or otherwise adjusted; player and NPCs affected; all armor/clothing/weapon types supported


--Broken armor is unequipped, and replaced with the highest value clothing in inventory


--Broken weapons are replaced automatically with "similar" ones in combat, i.e. if you were using a bow you're more likely to equip a new bow. Weapon value and charge is taken into account


--Armor enchantment strength scales according to how much damage it's taken, i.e. a Resist Magic 20 cuirass might get Resist Magic 24 at 125% health, or Resist Magic 4 when it breaks


--The number of charges an enchanted weapon needs per hit scales according to damage, i.e. a weapon that normally needs 40 charges/hit might need 33 at 125% health or >200 when broken


--The strength of the scaling can be adjusted to the player's preference


--in progress It's more difficult to keep equipment repaired in-field - in addition to your Armorer skill, repairs are limited by Strength, Fatigue, and how familiar you are with the item (i.e. how much you've repaired it). Normal (Vanilla) limits apply when you're in town or in a house


--in progress But the Dwemer Forge lets you go up to 150% repair!




You can get it here:


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[Professor Farnsworth voice] Good news, everybody! [/Professor Farnsworth voice]


I have posted a new version of this mod. It is a drastic improvement over the previous version. I've completed 20 or 30 hours of testing and fixed a lot of the issues that were remaining. I've put a huge amount of time into this mod, and now Oblivion just doesn't seem as fun to me without it.


See the first post for details on what the mod does, and a link to get it. Suggestions are appreciated! (Endorsements are too...)

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Great! Let me know what you think.


Version 1.51 was just posted, which fixes a couple more issues (in particular, the error message spam a couple people reported), and also speeds things up a bit.



Got my first endorsement today--I must be doing something right!

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Have any users of this mod had problems with version 1.51? One person has reported a whole bunch of problems but I haven't heard from anyone else. I'm trying to figure out if they just have a mod conflict or if there truly is an issue with this mod.
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Version 1.53 posted - it fixes a silly mistake I made in the previous version. Wish I had caught that mistake a little bit faster. Oh well!


I also posted a separate Readme file in case you'd like to read the details of what the mod does, without necessarily installing it.

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Well, I've received a couple of bug reports compliments of DarkNinja, and so have posted a new partial version, 1.54beta1, to see if it resolves the issues.

Issues reported:

(1) Clothing reequipping not working in some situations

(2) Incorrect or random unequipping of armor when the user loads a game while already playing one

And an issue I found:

(3) More console error message spam, which only occurred when the mod was searching the inventory for clothing to replace armor that had just broke.


If you want to try this version out, you'll have to download and install 1.53 and then 1.54beta1 over the top of it.

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Version 1.60 released! By request, the mod now also allows you (optionally) to have broken armor or weapons fall off of the player or NPC and to the ground, instead of just going back to inventory. I also made some additional adjustments that should make this version more stable than the previous one.
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