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Metro Central settlement


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Well recently I was preparing a new character to play with the zombie apocalypse mod (heavily modded version giving more zombies, less mutants and turning them into shufflers). And I thought. Ya know I want to do it in DC not in the wasteland. I barely spend any time in DC in any of my playthroughs. So I resolved to make metro central into a settlement I could have as my central position.



I cleaned out the undead in there and got to work with the portable camp stuff mod but in the end I ran out of stuff and ran into the NPC problem even with sharing caring companions. I'd made an almost complete settlement but couldn't do a good job populating it which made me somewhat sad.


So I got thinking, perhaps someone else could do it? An actual modder perhaps?

It always disappointed me how only the Family and Roy's gang actually set up settlements in the metro. You'd expect there to be at least one decent metro settlement right?


So I'm posting up my screenshots and thoughts to see if anyone else can do a better job than I. I'll be dissembling the place unfortunately.




Assuming that global upload quota doesn't apply to all my posts I might just get through this. If not oh well.

Anyways we start with the entrance. Using the ticketbooth as a sort of guard booth and blocking off one side with the other having a little windy path enforced with jersey barricades (problematic for the undead).



Well *ban me*. They're mostly too big. Ah well if anyone wants to pick this idea just PM me and I'll send you a .rar with them all in or something.

Edited by steamtacular
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I've heard that real time settler is buggy as hell.


But will that enable me to set up the NPCs with schedules and such?




Also fiddling with RTS now. I don't seem to be able to make an underground settlement.





Yep confirmed. Can't use RTS to make things in an interior cell. Still may be able to use it for an NPC supply.

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I've wanted that myself. A hideout at the very least, but seeing as the metro in DC isn't really all connected in any way (forcing you to take long detours above ground alot) and having DCinteriors I just tend to find a decent enough building to spend the nights in. Had the metro been better connected a settlement at some part of it would be awesome.
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Ya know if I was a modder I'd probly try doing a rebuild of the DC Metro.


reconnect tunnels, add some more stations maybe along with settlements and quests.


A Metro 2033 inspired mod. Would be sweet. Although I'd probly make it zombie fallout not real fallout.

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