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Bard Song spells


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I don´t like the Bards College Quests because they seem rather useless. But I thought about what might be an addition to the gameplay that might be useful and immersive (In my opinion). I came to the conclusion that it might be helpful for two-handed fighters to cast a healing or supporting spell like a shout. So maybe someone could create spells that improve healing rates or heal directly or help nearby companions (maybe not as effective as real spells, for ballance) that could be triggered like a shout, so no weapon needs to be changed. To make it immersive it could be combined with a short sound like a song strophe and the strenght could depend on the speech perk. If these spells could be only purchased by a Bard it would make the college useful. I hope there isn´t already the Idea around and i'm cluttering the thread section, if there is such a mod already could you send me the Link? I have found nothing, Sorry


And thanks if anybody tries

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