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The Oblivion Werewolf Mod help


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where is the werwolf im going through the fort to chorrol but i never find him where the hell is he



oh and i only go look for him at night


He could've been offed. There are randomly spawning werewolf hunters that will --- wait for it.... --- hunt werewolves. Whether they're currently transformed or not. This is likely what happened to you. Just go find a bandit and let him whack you 'til you get infected. I'm pretty sure all bandits are werewolves now.

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hi im having a error on the werewolf mod


You're better off posting this on the official thread for the mod (go to the mod's page and then click the tab that says "Discussion,") but I'll try to help you if I can. What's your problem? No promises, I'm no expert, I can just sorta repeat fixes I've heard before.

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