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Reneers RGO or Crime and Stealth Rebalance

sanguine shade

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Im about to start my fifth playthrough of oblivion. This time however i've decided only to use the most basic mods, so the game stays decently stable. Ive come to that I need some tweaks in oblivions stealth system, and are wondering wich mods I should choose. Reneers Guard Overhaul, No psychic guards, Attack and hide, Crime and stealth rebalance, Ranokas undercover overhaul. I suppose i should choose either


Renners Guard Overhaul


Crime and stealth rebalance + ranokas undercover Overhaul


No psychic guards + ranokas undercover overhaul + attack and hide


What are the best combination. In addition I also plan running Deadly Reflexes, and Thieves Arsenal.

Please tell me forum: Which mods are best, which mods are the least buggiest, wich mods are the most immersive, which mods work best together.

Hope you got some opinions on this. Thanks for answers

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