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Best mods!!!


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I'm new here and I'm also new to modding, and could use some help. At first I thought I could manage my self but there are just TOOOO many mods!!

After miserably playing Oblivion on a 360 back in a day, I decided to give it a one more shot on my new Ultra PC(HD5970, I7-930, 6Gb, etc...).

So what I really need is to make Oblivion's graphics up to date without changing to many things.

Also post one mod that you think is the best(It can be anything).


So what do you guys recommend?

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Quarl's texture pack 3 redimized - replaces the vanilla textures with high-res alternatives, it's a must have

Enhanced water - the name says it all really

All Natural - enhances the weather system, higher res sky textures etc + it includes real lights which make the games atmosphere a whole lot better

RAEVWD - Makes almost everything visible while distant

Better cities or Open Better Cities - makes cities look a whole lot more realistic , the "open" version removes the loading screen when entering cities ergo making cities a part of exterior cells


For more mods, visual or any other, check the list of mod lists

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  On 8/3/2010 at 5:46 PM, k4ci6a said:

Quarl's texture pack 3 redimized - replaces the vanilla textures with high-res alternatives, it's a must have

Enhanced water - the name says it all really

All Natural - enhances the weather system, higher res sky textures etc + it includes real lights which make the games atmosphere a whole lot better

RAEVWD - Makes almost everything visible while distant

Better cities or Open Better Cities - makes cities look a whole lot more realistic , the "open" version removes the loading screen when entering cities ergo making cities a part of exterior cells


For more mods, visual or any other, check the list of mod lists


Oh WOW!!


That is exactly what I'm talking about.

But will these conflict with one another.

And also, are there good mods for animals, NPC's. Couse I don't want it to feel like the world is HD but the creatures are ugly.

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These mods do not conflict with each other, but to be safe install Quarl's first. For better looking NPC's i would recommend:

Tamriel Immersion experience - makes NPC faces look a lot more unique, a must have in my book

Improved facial textures - better facial textures

There are perhaps better mods for facial textures but they require body re-placers which require armor compatibility mods etc, i wouldn't recommend installing anything more than this without some basic understanding of OBMM and Wrye Bash.

As for the creatures, they have pretty good textures as is, there are probably some mods out there but i haven't tested any out myself. I would recommend FCOM which is a huge gameplay changing mod, and is a must have, but its rather complicated to install and it can break your game pretty easily.


Also some sites that might interest you: TOTO and FCOM

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