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Skyrim Launcher Completely Frozen


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so i know that people have had problems in the past but i don't think this is the same as their problem.


I can load up skyrim using SKSE easily. no issues what so ever. but recently i've been having CTD's when opening the map so i thought OK delete skyrim.ini and load skyrim launcher to see if that'll fix the issue. but when i click play in steam or even in the skyrimlauncher.exe file in the directory itself it loads up the launcher but then freezes. Nothing is clickable when i click on it it gives me that DING sound you get when the window is frozen normally but no error or "this has stopped responding" message. I then have to force end the process in my task manager. this repeatedly happens and i can't seem to find a way to work around this.


Is there an altnerative to the skyrim launcher that does the same thing AS the skyrim launcher excluding mod syncing? or is there a fix for this in general?

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Same here... I did a fresh install of Skyrim to try something new... put in the ENB files and that was it.... instant crash. Crash goes away when ENB files are removed. Problem for me is definately in those files but I've followed the steps over and over...... not really sure.


Was there ever a solution? I see this post is old...

Edited by gentlegerbil
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