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Q-35 Matter Modulator/Multiplas conversion help


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Hello all, I'm in need of some help/advice for anyone out there, I really enjoy the look of the Multiplas Rifle but found it to be slow, bulky, and all around inefficient, and I found the Q-35 to be everything i wanted in a plasma rifle except it's look, not the color scheme but the look itself, the extra side barrels and the uneven piston things on the top, so I figured MAYBE I could try combining the two.


So the help I need is, using only the G.E.C.K, could I edit the the Multiplas Rifle to have the Q-35's color scheme, stats, and remove the 3 barrels and make a single one on it and speed up the shot travel speed? Or would I have to have an extra modding tool? I've only done small modding thus far(stat editing, explosion editing, clothing add-ons etc), so I am unsure where to start.

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