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How do I preview mods?


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I have a bunch of mods downloaded from a bro of mine that I have no idea what the hell they are. The reason why I don't know is because pretty much all these mods are private or hard to find mods, and most of the readme are in some foreign language except a few. Also only few of these mods have screenshots of what they are. So is there anyway I can preview a mod in the construction set or something to see what they are and look like before I install them in the game?
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Although I suppose "install" is a technically correct term, it does not make anything by far permanent. You can put them in game, create a clean save (A save game when no mods are enabled, separate from your other save games) to test out each mod and see how you like it. If they don't do anything you quite like you can easily disable the mod, then go to your oblivion/data directory and delete them. Nothing they do will ever be permanent.


If you want you can PM me the readme of every file not in English and I'll do my best to translate them for you.


You can open them up in the CS to check them out, the only problem is if you don't know what you're looking for it is not very likely you will see everything they change.


Please do PM me the readmes if you want me to take a look though. I am less likely to remember and look at this page than I am to check my Private Messages. Please ensure the name of every mod is listed above the readmes, and if you will separate them with a line of something such as




This, so I knw when one ends and the other doesn't. Just makes it easier for me to help you.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Although I suppose "install" is a technically correct term, it does not make anything by far permanent. You can put them in game, create a clean save (A save game when no mods are enabled, separate from your other save games) to test out each mod and see how you like it. If they don't do anything you quite like you can easily disable the mod, then go to your oblivion/data directory and delete them. Nothing they do will ever be permanent.


If you want you can PM me the readme of every file not in English and I'll do my best to translate them for you.


You can open them up in the CS to check them out, the only problem is if you don't know what you're looking for it is not very likely you will see everything they change.


Please do PM me the readmes if you want me to take a look though. I am less likely to remember and look at this page than I am to check my Private Messages. Please ensure the name of every mod is listed above the readmes, and if you will separate them with a line of something such as



I'll just go with your idea with the clean save. Also I found a nifty translation tool for the readmes, but thanks for the help offer

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