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Mounted Combat questions


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Hey I just got mounted combat, its installed no probs, but its not asking me which key I want to bind to intiate combat..


1. Should it be asking me?

2. Deadly R had me bind a key for horse combat even though it does not support it.

3. I have functionality of the other aspects of the mod ie: the mount and blade steering system.

4. I have mounted my horse with a weapon un-sheathed and no effect.





My actual question is what am I missing as I cannot seem to draw my weapon.

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1. No, it does not ask. You simple use control's keys (for move) and "spase" for combat.


2. From READMY of "Deadly R 5.0":




Horse combat is DISABLED in Deadly Reflex 5.0, as it´s still being imported to the rewritten base system, and the animations are being changed to 1st person.


So, combat is supporting only DR 4.3 (not later) - I saw on the my experience ;)


3. .....


4. Mounted Combat - is a combat ONLY magic. You only can use spell. Any weapon is not supported.


5. And more... :smile:

I have connected many mods and I cannot tell confidently, bat "MC" allows a horse to move with acceleration (when "W" key is pressed) (or not? :rolleyes: )...

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1. No, it does not ask. You simple use control's keys (for move) and "spase" for combat.


2. From READMY of "Deadly R 5.0":




Horse combat is DISABLED in Deadly Reflex 5.0, as it´s still being imported to the rewritten base system, and the animations are being changed to 1st person.


So, combat is supporting only DR 4.3 (not later) - I saw on the my experience ;)


3. .....


4. Mounted Combat - is a combat ONLY magic. You only can use spell. Any weapon is not supported.


OK so I am to understand that I cannot swing a sword or shoot a bow from horseback with this mod? That would be wierd as I have seen video's on youtube that show a guy running around swinging a sword...... huh...



5. And more... :smile:

I have connected many mods and I cannot tell confidently, bat "MC" allows a horse to move with acceleration (when "W" key is pressed) (or not? :rolleyes: )...

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