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Hi all,


I'm trying to get as many survival style mods as possible. So far I've got:


Realistic Needs & Diseases

Wet & Cold

Climates of Tamriel

Hypothermia & Camping

GPS Removed

Fast Travel Removed

Compass Removed


I was wondering if there's any other good ones? Ideally I'd like something like realistic headshots from Fallout. Also is there one for realistic inventory. i'm not sure if anyone has done something in depth similar to Dayz where equipment takes up specific space etc?


Could someone suggest other realistic mods? Also has anyone considered a mod/animation to use flames spell to light a torch. Seems stupid to equip a torch and it's immediately lit.



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I was wondering if there's any other good ones? Ideally I'd like something like realistic headshots from Fallout. Also is there one for realistic inventory. i'm not sure if anyone has done something in depth similar to Dayz where equipment takes up specific space etc?


Locational Damage (you can set damage mutliplier in MCM)

Equipping Overhaul by DragonDude1029





(was improved since this video was released)



How about more enemies?

OBIS - Organized Bandits in Skyrim


More Bandit Camps


If you want to get lost in the forest:

Skyrim Bigger Trees (performance hit with biggest version)

or SkySight - Simply Bigger Trees

Supreme and Volumetric Fog by MannyGT (performance hit)







Utility and Immersion:

Drinking Fountains of Skyrim by MannyGT (for RND)





Immersive Fallen Trees (navmeshed version)





Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life by BralorMarr

Death Alternative - Captured by BralorMarr




Combat mods:

Combat Evolved + Duel Combat Realism + Ultimate Dragons (DCO is not avaible at this moment)


Convenient Horses (more immersive options; command your horse to stay or follow by vawing your hand/whistling, pack your belongings in saddle bag, name your horse, run over enemies)


Amazing Follower Tweaks (great for vanilla followers, they will start relaxing and interacting with enviroment when you stay iddle in one place)








(He knows what you did there.)




Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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Awesome thanks a lot for the suggestions. I'm starting to install them now.




Your welcome :wink:


One question - With the in game original map. Even if you turn off the GPS the map always opens centered on your location. has anyone figured a way to turn this off?




I wouldn't bother with that mod. Use iHud to hide ingame tracking bar and instead using map under M, craft equipable maps. For tracking quests there is ingame spell called Clairvoyance.



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