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Sudden CTD's on loading screens


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After a few seamless hours of playing, Skyrim has decided that loading screens are too mainstream. It's very frustrating and hair pulling. I haven't installed any mods since Saturday but it started Monday. I thought the culprit may be Morskom Estate, but even after removing it nothing changed. I've tried BOSS, LOOT, and TESVEDIT and none have done diddiy-squat.


Load Order:


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I've been running SharpShooters ENB for the longer time so I HIGHLY doubt that it's the culprit.

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  On 11/4/2014 at 1:48 AM, sgtmcbiscuits said:

Do you have the SKSE memory patch? (if you don't know about it, you probably don't). It prevents exactly these types of things, which are very common. If you need to know how to install it, let me know

No, I do not have it. Installation tips would be helpful, thank you.

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Ok so I just watched Gopher's video...



and I got the SSE. Now may game won't even load saved games. It doesn't even try. I just click it and once again Skyrim just pulls the plug. I think it just time to give up Skyrim for good this time :sad:

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Try starting a new game, then try loading into one of your other saves. That's what I have to do usually, it's a common problem.


As well, can you post your SKSE.ini text, so we can make sure it's correct?


I assume you already had SKSE, so the only thing you needed was to apply the memory patch, the SKSE.ini file. There shouldn't be any risk of breaking anything doing that, unless maybe your SKSE was out of date. I didn't pay attention to Gopher's instructions, as it's a bit more tedious than installing it manually. I'd suggest downloading and installing the newest version of SKSE using the installer, as I believe that includes the SKSE.ini file already

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I've actually just recently reinstalled SKSE (yesterday to be exact), and starting a new game and loading an old save still resulted in errorless CTD. I doubt it's a corrupt save because no save game is working.

Here's the contents of my SKSE.ini file.



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Just realized that was an old picture of my load order.


This is the one from Saturday.


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Immersive Patrols 2, on the page for the mod, states that you need the Unofficial Skyrim Patch (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19/?) or Possessive Corpses (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4528/?), neither of which you have.


Skyrim Unbound says that it should be at the lowest possible point in your load order


Make sure when you launch Skyrim, you do so from the skse_loader.exe, or from the shortcut in NMM


As well, are you getting crashes when you load a save, or are you crashing on the main menu?


One last thing; If you've uninstalled any mods with scripts, there's a fair chance that's what's causing your saves to not load. If a new game works, that's almost certainly the issue

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I'll make sure to fix the load order and download the patch. It's crashing when I load a any save, and last time I uninstalled I deleted the folder in SteamApps\Common folder.

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Did you run LOOT and have it sort your plugins? That fixes most load-order related issues. As well, if you haven't already, load up your whole load order all at once into TES5Edit, and see if it throws any errors at you. If it does, let me know, and that should help a lot. Since Skyrim doesn't have crash logs, that's pretty much the best we can do


Also, I didn't mean uninstalling Skyrim. Uninstalling certain mods. Some mods have scripts, and those don't get removed from your saves when you uninstall it. They can cause save bloat, or just completely kill your save

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