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NPC Healer?


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That's not a bad idea, but it could potentially be abused since you can keep healing someone you're in combat with - at least you can the way I have it now. I had been thinking I might try having it increase that actor's Disposition towards you, although I'm not really sure how Disposition works and what affect it has in FO3.



Ok, keeping it simple, I just added a little first-aid cross to the pouch:




Here's what happens when you activate someone while the Medical Kit is equipped:




I don't really love the big menu, but I don't think there's too many other choices here. I would have liked to show a running count of Stimpaks left in inventory on that "Health Status" menu, but it's already at the max number numerical parameters (9). Do you think it would be a big deal if I consolidated limb health so it just showed "Arms" and "Legs" rather than splitting them to left and right too?


Oh, and I have it set to increase the actor's disposition toward the player by 20 with each healing action.

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I just thought of something, will this have any type of effect on actor's that are "fleeing"? I don't know if there necessarily should be an effect. I just know that it if let's say, I was walking with Dad in the Wasteland and he got too hurt and had to flee and I healed him, it'd be nice if he was willing to get back into the fight. But some actor's may already be willing to do that, I don't know.
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To remove the menu problem, how about having it automated so it heals the lowest % health object, ie, health bar or limb and then produces a message stating what was healed and what the new percentage is?

Actually before I made the menu I had it so that it would apply Stimpaks to injured limbs first, and only directly restore health if all limbs were at 100%. Making it choose the most injured part first would be somewhat of a pain to do in script though. I just had it go in order - I think legs, arms, head, then torso.


What I would most like to do would be to make that first "What would you like to do?" menu have two options besides Talk; "Restore Health" which only appears when the actor health is less than 100%, and "Heal Injured Limbs" which only appears when one or more limbs are less than 100% (and then does the automated healing like above). The problem is that there's no quick and easy way to do that second option for limbs, because of the way multiple conditions work. I think I've got a way that's not too involved, but would require FOSE which so far this mod doesn't need. Is that a big concern for anyone?



VERY NICE! I think it would be fine if you consolidated the limb health. Honestly, even what you have right now is better than any response I had imaged answering my request. Whatever the final result, I'm very excited for it!

I'll give that a try then and see how it looks. After that I may just upload it so you can give it a try.


About the fleeing, I'd assume that once their health is restored they would re-evaluate their condition and stop fleeing, but probably not instantly - I'm really not sure though.

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