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fallout crash on exit


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I have directly linked crash on exit to excessive data on the desktop, before. In other words you have too much actual data on the desktop (documents&settings/username/desktop) You can avoid this by just using shortcuts to data on the desktop, then there's not any actual data there, just links to it. Anything over a few hundred Mb in the folder is going to crash on exit maybe.


I remember hearing other things that could cause it too, but can't remember where I saw it.

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You can put stuff on the desktop, I didn't mean to sound like you couldn't use it. Anything you want fast access to put it on the desktop, an then when that stuff piles up get rid of the stuff you don't use.


Fallout 3 was built to run on Windows XP SP3 (service pack III) So if you use XP, you'll need to get that among other things. The most accurate way to do this would be to go to the start menu, set program access and defaults. Then the Add programs tab, Then the windows update tab on the right. All this does is launch to the microsoft automatic updates website. Install the active X control, and it will scan your current system an figure out what you need. I'll take all the high priority updates, but it should bring things up to SP3 first. Anyhow it doesn't hurt to look thru this stuff which is done by scaning over it, and click on the + to open an get a discription.


Key things to look for would be the update for WMP (windows media player) This brings your systems Audio codecs up to date, thus allowing fallout 3 sounds to work without the need for messy 3rd party software. .Net Framwork (dot net framework) look for the whole package the whole family, something like 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0 an so on. I check to see that Internet Explorer gets updated too. You probably got your direct X installed when you installed a video game, but the automatic updates could try to install direct X. You could also manually install direct X from microsoft downloads. Last time I checked the current version had a werid name like Direct X end user runtime.


Vista & Win7 I reckon all you need to do is run fallout 3 as a admin, and in compatability mode for Win XP SP3, which is done from right clicking the .Exe. This can get difficult because most player launch FOMM, which launches FOSE, which launches a modified version of the fallout.exe, so there's 3 .exe right there. At the end of the day though it's the fallout.exe that is actually going to be running. So maybe it's that one, idk.


The install location comes into play, or at least it used to. Most folks install the game to C:/BethesdaSoftworks/Fallout3 Rather than C:/ProgramFiles/BethesdaSoftworks/Fallout3, This is because windows puts security risks on everything in program files, an on some systems this would cause issues, but it's sort of faded over time. Not even sure we still need to do this, but it's good to keep with the old ways, plus not a bad idea to provide easy access, while also runing the possible 20,0000 Mb of a modded fallout game seperate from the system on the harddrive.


Your Game patch is pretty important, anything besides 1.7 is going to have issues in it. Then even the GOTY edition of fallout 3 (which comes with 1.7) has issues of it's own which are cleared up from running the 1.7 patch on it. FOSE is widely used, which you need the version of FOSE that matches your game patch for it to work.


A lot of folks swear by un-installing .net framwork, then re-install it. Also Visual C++ fits in here too, many folks say they cleared up crashing issues just from installing Visual C++, same for folks that had it installed, they un-installed it then installed it again an it magicly cleared up the issue.


Hope you got into the good habits like, purging the Temp internet files, Windows Prefetch, Recycle Bin. Defragment hard drives. Using a Viral protection software, for spyware, malware, and to clean the windows registry. So what are you using there bud?



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