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Annoying "eyes adjusting to the light" problem


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Alright, i'll give it that... it's a cool idea. You look up into the sun for long enough and it'll mess with your vision when you look away i get it i get it. However, i'm having a more sporadic eye problem. Moving my view on the Y-axis with my mouse, i encounter at the same point every time an "adjustment" to the level of light... even if there's no call for it. It basically looks like my screen is flashing to a subtle degree constantly and it's really getting annoying. The mods i have installed are as follows, please try and help me (and if that means disabling the "eye adjustment" altogether i'll do it just tell me how):


- FWE Wanderers Edition

- Marts Mutant Mod

- Some house mods



- Fallout Street Lights

- Enhanced Weather

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Hmm, more information please.


Have you tried disabling some of the mods and see if the problem persists?

Was the problem there before you started modding (e..g in vanilla FO3)?

Is there any commonality to the problem (e.g. certain locations, time of day, direction, etc)?

Have you changed the Fallout3.ini file?


I personally think it may be a driver / video card / settings issue - perhaps even try dropping your settings and see if it persists.

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