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Three scripting questions


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First, how do I set up a timer? That is to say, how do I set it up so that a script will complete a portion of the script, and then wait until a certain amount of time has passed since the script was triggered to continue?

Second, is it possible to have a script call what weather is currently active?

Third, can a script change the current weather?

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A staged timer would use two blocks. So as an example:


ScriptName StagedTimerScript

Short Stage
Float Timer

Begin OnTriggerEnter Player				
Set Timer to 10			
Set Stage to 1

Begin GameMode
If Timer > 0
	Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed
ElseIf Stage == 1
	;Do Stuff
	Set Timer to 3
	Set Stage to 2
ElseIf Stage == 2
               ;Do Stuff
	Set Stage to 3


You can control the weather with commands like GetIsCurrentWeather, ForceWeather, GetIsCloudy, etc...

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