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Requesting help with a major problem


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This hasn't been a good week for me, modding wise. First, out of nowhere, combat animations started going wonky. When I go to slash, it blocks, when I tried to shoot arrows, nothing happens, and I can't holster the bow. So I thought to myself; "Perhaps reinstalling Oblivion would solve that." I deactivated all my active mods and reinstalled Oblivion. But now, every time I try to use OBSE, I crash at the first loading screen. Although Oblivion does work through the regular launcher, but only without mods. Can someone help me with this, I really want to get back to playing.


Side-note: Ironically, the animations are still modded, but no longer mess up. And another quick question... is it normal to find a dead copy of myself on the floor where I was teleported to?


:EDIT: I feel incredibly stupid. After reading another thread I discovered my animation issue was caused by a bug in another mod. I really wish I didn't reboot....

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Uninstalling oblivion doesn't really uninstall much. It leaves behind all mods and any problems that came from them, Any corrupted save games, any problems from the ini, and several stray entries in the Windows Registry that can come back to byte you.


Also, after reinstalling, you may need to patch again, and reinstall OBSE and OBMM also.


And most of the time, a full reinstall isn't even needed unless there is a registry problem.

Instead try this:

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



If you determine that a reinstall is actually needed

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.

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I followed your guide very carefully and now everything is working great. I was afraid I was going to lose the most enjoyable parts of my favourite game. Thank you very much. :thumbsup:
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