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Steam Oblivion Crash


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I've been looking for a few hours now however I can't find one that is my specific problem, I've tried all the other "fixes" and none of them have worked and I'm currently reinstalling the game right now. What happens is the launcher comes up and I click "Play" A small window at the top opens which says "Oblivion" this window soon fills the entire screen... then after about 2-3sec. the game crashes except... it doesn't crash I get returned to desktop and Steam shows me as online and I can run the game again as if nothing happened only to have the same result over and over... I've rebooted my computer multiple times, "patched" directx with the newest version, deleted the oblivion folder from My Documents/My Games, run the game without setting any of the graphics, moved the 2 "startup" videos out of the videos folder, then moved all the videos out, downloaded some sort of thing that was supposed to fix crashes from tesnexus, I've defraged the game files through Steam, Validated the files through Steam and all these things still come out to the same conclusion... game crashes but doesn't really crash... idk this is my last resort so don't give me the "Oh ya just remove the .ini file from your my games/oblivion"


Fixed the problem

Edited by Connorma
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