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Massive Mod Idea - New Origin Stories


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I'm gonna add my two cents and come up with backstory for a human commoner.


As a city elf, you were the one who as bullied all the time. Now, as a human, you're the one picking fights with royalty - in Redcliffe!


You, just a year past the coming of age, and your four drinking pals are looked on with disdain by a handful of knights, one of them being notorious for his condescending attitude. Now you and the guys(you being "like one of them" if you're a girl) are Lloyd's bouncers, and you do it for free - and free drinks, of course. At least your friends do, if you're not the drinking type. Your father is a drinking man himself - a drunkard, specifically. He used to beat you as a kid. Your mother propositions men at night. Yep, she's a prostitute. It's a secret though, and only your best friend knows.


You spend a day or two beating the tar out of drunks who get out of line or won't leave Bella alone. Your friends like to verbally rough up nobles whenever they see them. You too, that's up to you. It's the second night that Duncan s in town, and he happens to look your way when you're taking care of a bigger lot of particularly bullyish dunks. Eventually, out in the square, one of the knights backhands your best friend across the face in defense of a particular noble's honor, knocking your friend off his feet and on his back. This turns into an all-out brawl between you and your friends and a few nearby knights, unarmed of course. When you win, Lloyd kicks them out, and the rest of you for starting the fight. Later that night, you're taking a stroll, and your options are:


As a man: Either Bella or Tomas from the bunch, of whom either are available for romance the night before.

As a woman: Either Tomas, Gwynn, or a man who later becomes the Redcliffe Doomsayer; or another woman.

You'll be taking a leisurely stroll with whomever you've romanced the night before; if you haven't had a tumble with anoyone, it will be the one among them you've been the most positive toward. If you've been positive toward both of the options equally, the game will choose for you.


Again, whoever you are walking with is a possble romantic interest, and possible romance partner the night before.

It is when you are walking with them that knight from earlier, now drunk, gets close enough to assault you with a dagger. You easily catch his wrist, and accidentally kill him with his own blade. Shocked at th situation, you run off to your parents' house. Later the next day the knights approach you on the pretense that you should be punished for manslaughter. Duncan steps in and invokes the Right of Conscription. Congratulations, you are now ready to join the battle at Ostagar.


As for the barbarian: Chasind, perhaps? And you definitely have to give the player a dwarven companion in the origin who teaches you the art of a Berserker.

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Like the sound of this, how would it integrate into the game as a whole tho.
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  • 1 month later...

I am definitely there on this. In some of the pieces I have written (especially for my first character) my mage came from a Dalish Elf camp, so seeing this just made my really-way-too-early-to-be-called-morning, well, morning. I do a lot of beta work online with character creation, storylines, plots, story boards, etc. I've never tried voice acting, I might be able to look into a few people, though. Can't make promises. As for the developing of these in general, I could definitely give you aid if you want it.


I think it would be great to have these. Or even these origins being transferred to the Circle. As in, at the end of these mage origins they could be taken to the tower, considering they are apostates (even if the Dalish are left alone for the most part). It could be the way Duncan meets them as well.

There are plenty of options I could go on and on about when I'm actually awake. I just thought I'd leave this here for now to let you know I'm definitely game for this.


I'd love to hear the Human Commoner one, sounds interesting. More average, like your every day Joe which could serve a great interest to other gamers.


I'm not an animator and cannot do mods, yet. Working on it. So for now I could help with anything relating to the stories you have in mind, characters to be created, since profiling and psychology is one of my favorite pass-times and studies.


Ughs. I feel like I'm filling out a job application now, ew. Anyways, I'm on board. Can't wait to hear more of your ideas!

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  • 3 months later...


Your lorecraft is amazing, except for one small detail: the clan leader of the Brecillian Forest Dalish Clan is supposed to be a man, right? Who's this old shrew we're talking about?


EDIT: Whoa, forgot I'd actually posted here! That was a response to the thread starter.


Ooh, got something to add on the subject of the male commoner's romance with Bella.


Following the unfortunate slaughter at Ostagar, the Warden's friends have had a falling out. The sobering death of the drunkard the night before their friend left, as well as the news that he may have died in the battle, was enough to take away their upbeat spirit, and they began keeping to themselves most of the time. Without the five bouncers that worked on pints to keep the order for him, Lloyd's bad days become stressful, and his job only gets more tiresome being the only one around to man the tavern. To add insult to injury, his hair thins out some more, as if he couldn't get any balder. Besides kicking out the troublemakers himself, Lloyd's only method of relief is the bad touch he gives Bella.


When the Warden returns to Redcliffe, he recieves a new "quest" to have a merry reunion with his friends, Bella, and Lloyd. The Warden will head off to the tavern, only to find his best friend in relationship with Bella.


If the Warden conveyed feelings of affection for Bella(whether he slept with her or not), he will confront the two of them. Bella will make the obvious argument, that she thought him dead or long gone.

If he didn't romance her, and didn't sleep with her, no one will bring up the topic of her relationship.

If he didn't convey feelings of affection, but did sleep with her, Bella will say something along the lines of "I hope you don't mind," to which the Warden can respond by saying "I thought we had something," and have his pathetic response shot down. He can also reply by saying that he understands her position. The only other option is simply "Not at all. Everyone has needs." This option, when chosen, will be like telling Leliana that sleeping with Morrigan was just a fling, so she may have her say.


Bella and the Warden's best friend will outright tell him what life has been like since he's been gone, and he can either ignore their obvious cry for attention or attend to their problems, sorting out Lloyd and telling the rest of the gang that he's still alive.


There are a few different ways of going about this.

1. Lloyd first, then the gang.

2. The gang first, then Lloyd.


1. Lloyd will swiftly apologize and admit that what he is doing to Bella is wrong, and promise the Warden he will never do it again. The manner of his apology will depend on the tone the Warden uses with him. Lloyd will tell the Warden what he already knows about his friends falling apart, and the Warden can choose whether or not he goes to see them.

If the Warden goes to reunite his friends, they won't be all together. He will have to seek them out, then tell them what he will/has told the others: that Lloyd needs help. He can either intimidate them into bouncing, or persuade them by saying that without them to help out, Lloyd's days are getting stressful, and that he's resorted to groping Bella.

At the end of it all, they'll ask to meet him in the tavern where they are all reunited and exchange words. If the Warden hasn't finished defending the city, he can return to the tavern to say his farewell.


2. Like the first path, seek out the gang and tell them to help out Lloyd. Go talk to Lloyd next, when he will talk to you for the first time, saying something like "I knew it was you when I saw your ugly mug! Welcome home, lad!" He will thank you for getting the gang back together and helping out. Then go talk to any of the others to start the reunion right there in the tavern. In the reunion, they will say that it was great to see you. Bella will thank you for bringing the boys back together, and comment on how Lloyd kept his distance the last two times he walked by her, as if bringing the boys back together has ended his bad habit.


Again, I feel the need to stress this: I am not a modder. Or a voice actor. I merely have ideas to present.

Edited by manlyMAN0890
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