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Need Help with KOTN


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I started the KOTN questline, went to Anvil and listened to the prophet, got the map, and went on the pilgrimage. I visited all the wayshrines and activated them. According to the walkthrough, I'm supposed to get a vision after finishing the last shrine, but I don't, regardless of waiting or resting or fast-traveling. I tried unchecking KOTN in OBMM, but the prophet is still there and the chapel at Anvil is still messed up, except now with missing textures, meshes, and voice files. Is there any way to get the vision part of the quest to activate, or to cleanly disable KOTN in order to start over?
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If you'd want to start over you'd have to use a savegame where you didn't disable KOTN.

The normal cause of action happens at the last wayshrine, are you sure you've activated all of them?


Check here for more info.

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Time for saturation bombing with console commands. The code of this section of the quest is rather complex. Many commands which can be used in scripts cannot be used as console commands, so some of these lines of code will not work as console commands. I have also left the REM statements or comments in:


SetStage NDPilgrim 20

set NDPilgrim.fQuestDelayTime to 10

set FameAkatosh to 0

set FameDibella to 0

set FameMara to 0

set FameJulianos to 0

set FameStendarr to 0

set FameKynareth to 0

set FameTiberSeptim to 0

set FameZenithar to 0

Set NDPilgrim.fQuestDelayTime to 0.1

SetStage NDPilgrim 30

; begin "Pelinal vision"

; turn off fast travel


EnableFastTravel 0

; save player's location

NDPlayerLocationMarkerNew.moveto player

; move light to player

NDPilgrimVisionLight.moveto player 0 0 200

set NDPilgrim.timer to NDPlayerLocationMarkerNew.Say NDPelinalVisionSpeech 1 ND01PelinalGhost 1

set NDPilgrim.timer to NDPilgrim.timer + .5

SetStage NDPilgrim 35

; quest script run continuously

set NDPilgrim.fQuestDelayTime to .1

set NDPilgrim.timer to 2

; play transition sound


; move player to Sky marker

player.moveto NDSkyBattlePlayerMarker

SetStage NDPilgrim 40

; Pelinal has finished his speech

SetStage NDPilgrim 50

; trigger for quest script to move player back to "earth"

set NDPilgrim.timer to NDPilgrim.timer + 1

; set by Pelinal's script




SetStage NDPilgrim 60

set NDPilgrim.timer to 5


; move player back to earth (set by quest script)

player.moveto NDPlayerLocationMarkerNew

SetStage NDPilgrim 70

EnableFastTravel 1


set NDPilgrim.fQuestDelayTime to 0

setstage NDPilgrim 200

"SetStage" commands are the most likely to help you. Try:


SetStage NDPilgrim 20

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