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Convincing storm at sea


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I need to do a video of an ancient sailing ship in a fierce storm at sea during the night.
The waves need to be fairly convincing (rolling with associated crests and foam).
The video ship will have to look as close as possible to whatever the player sees in my Oblivion mod.

Can somebody please suggest an 3D engine that can do rolling/stormy waves as well as have a Blender compatible import/export.
One with a reasonable interface and/or programming for synchronizing the boat to the waves.

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Thanks for the reply Harvald, it's a good mod.


I should explain this more clearly.


I've already meshed up some square rigged ships (in blender) that are used throughout my mod - including some scripting for videos.


I need an engine that does rolling waves along with supporting a format that Blender can use to export my model.

As in, I don't care what format I have to export from Blender just as long as the engine uses it.

I'll work out programming the automated/manual rolling/navigation once I know what this engine is.


While I can guess on a number of engines I was hoping to avoid an amount of time downloading and learning them.

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