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Should or Shouldn't


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I just found out this community recently and I hear from multiple forums and chatbox that mods could spice up my gameplay. Although I never used a mod ever and the furthest I went in the vanilla game was not so further than level 10. Today, I was rolling my thumbs and found my Oblivion CD taking the dust, so I decided to reinstall the game and start playing again, and this time get further.



I would just like to hear your opinion, wether using mods will or won't affect my newbie gameplay, maybe I should wait to get more experienced to the game before using mods?

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From my own experience I recommand you learn more about the game first, do some quests, explore a little more just to get more familiar with the areas/towns etc.


Mods, can and will change your game if you use'em so in order to use'em more properly it would be better if you have some knowledge about what you change via mods.


If you realy want to use mods than go ahead, it will make your game a lot more fun and interesting. Also if you don't know what where to start downloading, check the link to my list of Oblvion mods that's in my signature.:thumbsup:





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i recomend to download only texture replacers at first, then when you are more experienced in the game as Pushkatu said you can start to download more mods becouse there are lots of mods that alter from small to huge vanilla areas or quests and i think is better to know what you like about vanilla and what you want to change/remove/modify.

hope i helped

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