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Fose is starting to make me mad!


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Hi all, I am having a HUGE problem with the Fose download. I downloaded the latest version of Fose and patched up to 1.7 and hit run on Fose loader, and it said that I dont have a version of fallout 3 that is recognized. I do not have the direct X version or whatever it is called, I dont have the no gore version. and I dont have the german version. I am an american that lives in california. I have a PC model P6130y upgraded with a 600 wat power supply, and an Nvidia gts 250 graphics card. I live in aguanga which is about an hour and a half from San Diego. I bought my fallout 3 from a best buy. Please please community help me. I want to fly a vertibird!!!!
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Let's start with some basics (and I'm not trying to be rude);


- What's your OS? (Win XP, Vista, 7, etc)

- Where did you install FO3? (e.g. C:\Program files\..... blah blah)

- Have you installed any mods yet?


Known problems:


- If you have Vista / Win 7 - do not install to the default directory- due to UAC it has been know to cause problems.

- If you have installed to the default directory - uninstall and reinstall - however FO3 doesn't always do a clean uninstall - search the forums here for a uninstall guide, one of the moderators has done one and its good, can't find it at the moment or I would post the link - sorry.


If your really new to all this (modding) may I suggest;


- Install FO3 and patches and make sure it works by itself

- install the 'tools' (FOMM, FOSE, Archive invalidate, etc) and test again

- start adding mods - making sure to test along the way


Aw heck - look at these videos - the guy does a pretty good job of walking you through the basics (especially the first two) and as they say a pricture speaks a thousand words.



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