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Faviorte Weapons


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Art of war mod is cool.






So, this is Herr Kaptain Lemur typing? I have another, but I forgot about it. I like the glass weapons from Akaviri Imports. Daedric, too.

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Actualy i thought glass,elven,and imperial draggon helms were the only good ones in the game.
Ugh, I hate the glass helmet, it looks so ugly. The elven one is decent, and the dragon helm, but the glass is just hideous. (Hopefully this doesn't get all deleted because we are straying off topic >.<)
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Actualy i thought glass,elven,and imperial draggon helms were the only good ones in the game.

Ugh, I hate the glass helmet, it looks so ugly. The elven one is decent, and the dragon helm, but the glass is just hideous. (Hopefully this doesn't get all deleted because we are straying off topic >.<)


They get pretty mad at off-topic posts. I know. :(



I liked the daedric weapons how they were...I just wish some of them were more powerful. Also, I really disliked the elven claymore. The other ones were pretty cool though. Especially ebony. :) The elven shortsword was cool-looking...don't know much more about it. :) I thought most of the weapons from the blunt weapon category looked dumb. So...my favorite would be...an enchanted ebony claymore. Enchanted for shock damage...it's cool. That's just in vanilla oblivion, though. I also found an awesome staff that could kill everybody in a room in seconds!! It was great!! I forget what it did...I think shock damage, more shock damage, and some weakness to shock damage. :) It knocked everything flying.

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Well, I made (not very hard) an equivalent to Daedric, but less evil.

Basically silver weaponry with same stats as Daedric and called Imperial. It seems less evil than daedric armour so I got it for my 'good' character, it isn't unbalancing at all.


Anyway I think my favourite weapon is Imperial Longsword of Slaying (custom enchantments, nothing too unbalancing)


If marksman wasn't so weak I would use my Imperial Bow alot more but its only good for sneak attacks.


I also use the Imperial Watch Armour, modified so it's same as Daedric.

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I also like my Health Damage Enchanted Katana called Katana of the Khajit it is just an enchanted Akaviri Katana.The one i listed in my first post.:)
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I also like my Health Damage Enchanted Katana called Katana of the Khajit it is just an enchanted Akaviri Katana.The one i listed in my first post.:)






Ummmmm..... Where did Katana of the Khajiit come from? Khajiiti highwaymen usually use claymores and warhammers, and the Khajiit race are normally meant for thieves, I think. When does Khajiit come in, unless your characatar's a khajiit. Then would it be named Katana of [charactars name]?


Oh yeah, Caedas, why do you people want everything to not be unbalancing?

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