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Shivering isles update prob, not letting me get OBSE


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I have been struggling to update Shivering Isles to

it says old file not found, i have no cd crack, this is most

likely the reason but if i burn the shivering ilses and oblvion

original discs to a dvd could i reinstall and use those discs, or do those games have nasty copy protection?


any help would be great,

im a new poster on these forums,

oblivion is my fave game



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If you already have the patch for Oblivion installed, it causes problems when trying to install the patch for SI. You may have to do a full reinstall.

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus



It allows you to preserve any saves and mods, or remove them completely - your choice.


The copy protection built into the original DVD is not particularly evil compared to some I have seen, however it will refuse to install if you have a no cd crack, legal or not. Try renaming or removing the no cd crack program.

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