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Legion Rebels


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* Not lore friendly * mod idea - I would like a mod for the legion to be more like a rebel organization rather than a bunch of clowns running around in gear that looks like old roman armor.


The idea came to me because I use JoOs Modern NCR Replacement Mod - http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/46186/? and I thought okay, these guys are updated now..


how about we give the legion an overhaul of it's armor and weapons? make them like a wasteland rebels, or terrorist group if you will.. to kinda fit with JoO's modern NCR Replacer. Maybe some regular clothes, desert scarves, AK 47's, desert eagles etc. or perhaps just arm them with old junky guns and scavenger type armors like those in the Willhaven mod http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/videos/261/?


If no one's up to it, I might take the time and open up the geck someday but I have very little time on my hands, barely enough to even play new vegas.

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