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This mod possible?


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I was wondering if there was a magic carpet mod,if not would it be possible to make-some ideas.would work like levitation spell but much better.

You can buy a magic carpet that's magically charged,differnt versions-maybe bronze,silver and gold or sapphire, topaz, ruby,with diffrent charge values.

Could be time unints 1,000 - 2,000 -5,0000 seconds charge limits.

Also speed increasements +25,+50,+100.

You'd be able to recharge rugs at a number of shops around the land.

You could keep in your inventory-set on ground maybe hit space bar to ride.


If anyone can make this,please try.

I tried useing the construction set and it's just to much for me to comprehend.



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Well, you probably could do this.


Make an armor or clothes item (boots/shoes) with the carpet mesh (you'll probably need to make a new icon, or use a one already provided, since you can't pick up carpets in the game). better yet, make a carpet with boots; this way, your feet wont disappear! :lol:


Anyway you do it, enchant it with high magnitude levitation (like 50+ so it goes fast), and there you have it. You'll be standing on it, not sitting, but hey, you still have a magic carpet! This is probably the easiest way to do it, but also the most ugly-- you're feet will disappear or at the very least it will look un-natural. But, if realism is not your main concern, try it out.

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