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Oblivion.esm error


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So...I just installed the game, installed all of the plugins, Shivering isles expac and ran the last official patch...


When I try to play I get the error of Missing file: Oblivion.esm


So, I clicked Data Files on the Launcher, and Oblivion.esm was toggled ON, so were all of the plugins, I toggled off all of the plugins and the game worked, then I started toggling on and off the plugins to see if they were all causing the game to crash, turns out only the Orrery, Horse Armor, Thieves Den and Wizard's Tower plugins are the ones that cause the game to crash, all the other ones are ON and the game runs just fine...


I seek advice, I want to be able to play with these 4 plugins on, what do I do?


Thanks for reading


EDIT: Awesome, I just noticed that if I click Start a new game then click on yes, nothing happens

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