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Getting crashes when going out of bravil (I made out one time, but I c


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Getting crashes when going out of bravil (I got out one time, but I crashed near Inn of Ill Omen, and I can't access Save file anymore)


.I wonder if my mods conflicts with it? Can anyone check my load order? any conflicts?



Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm


Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm

Francesco's Optional New Creatures Add-On.esm


Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp

UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp

Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp

Streamline 3.0.esp

Symphony of Violence.esp



Hemingweys NPC Capes.esp

Hemingweys Capes.esp






Oblivion XP.esp



Thieves Arsenal.esp

Crowded Roads.esp






Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp




The Lost Spires.esp

DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp

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Try this: Link


and this: Link


And call me in the morning :blink:


As you can see in the load order I already got, Unofficial Oblivion Patch....and I already got Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System in my OBSE/Plugins....I still crash.


I did my googling before making a thread or post xD

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As you can see in the load order I already got, Unofficial Oblivion Patch....and I already got Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention System in my OBSE/Plugins....I still crash.

Sorry, its like 3am here and I'm getting all the threads about crashes mixed up. Rereading your first post now. :blush:


You crashing when you fast travel out or just when you exit via a gate?

Ever done any archive invalidation?

Anything you can think of that you did just before this started? Installed a few mods, Ran a utility, downloaded some porn or something? :woot:


If your crashing everytime you leave via a gate and NOT when you fast travel then something is effecting that world space your loading, it sounds like. Just for giggles try shutting off the Tamriel Travelers stuff.

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As you can see in the load order I already got, Unofficial Oblivion  Patch....and I already got Windom Earle_s Oblivion Crash Prevention  System in my OBSE/Plugins....I still crash.

Sorry, its like 3am here and I'm getting all the threads about crashes mixed up.   Rereading your first post now. :blush:


You crashing when you fast travel out or just when you exit via a gate?

Ever done any archive invalidation?

Anything you can think of that you did just before this started?  Installed a few mods, Ran a utility, downloaded some porn or something? :woot:


If your crashing everytime you leave via a gate and NOT when you fast travel then something is effecting that world space your loading, it sounds like. Just for giggles try shutting off the Tamriel Travelers stuff.


I crashed when I exit via gate 2 times, the 3rd time it worked...I saved near Inn Of Ill Omen and tried to steal someone's items...I failed. So I reload back that save....than it keeps crashing during loading screen... Well...I just reinstalled Oblivion and placed all the mods I used back in data folder and activated all of them....so I can't really find the source of the problem.


After disabling almost all my mods, the crashing thing stopped, so I think 1) A mod conflicts with another mod, making many crashes or 2) too much mods for my cpu to handle (I run on low setting


Just last week, I had many crashes, so I disabled Kvatch Rebuilt (Gave me the most problem.)

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