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help! animals wont attack!


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Not sure exactly what it is you want. The data 'file' is a folder that contains many files.


A file is a single unit of programming ending with a dot (.) and a three letter extension (filename.ext). The extension tells windows what kind of file it is so windows will know what to do with it.


A folder is a repository for files and sub (more) folders. It does not have the dot or extension

The exact number will vary by how many mods you have (mine has several hundred in various sub folders). The game will not work at all without it.


However, here is an easy way to get back to the vanilla game (no mods) for testing (It's fully reversible) If it works in vanilla then the problem is a mod and not the game. Now you have to figure out which mod.


Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game


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Maybe its natural evironments mod? thanks for that link anyway ;) it helped me to see if anything was missing. But that the wolfs doesn`t care about me and just walk past me. that is something i need help with :confused:
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