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Strange halo lighting


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These color halo effects started after I added the model (tower base) that has the blue halo.




It is affecting other objects as I walk around the worldspace...




I've added all the models except standard region (trees and rocks etc) and they all have vertex coloring to all their vertices.


The tower has semi opaque panels (no vertex coloring) with texture at 0.9 alpha and material 0.9 alpha.

There is a dome over the inner sanctuary (just visible in the red haloed picture) that uses the same texture as the semi opaque panels but with vertex coloring and material 0.95 alpha.


All my models use _far where I've updated distant lod and moved worldspaces just before this test.

The head statues are the only models to use full (white) emit.


I've tried a eliminating a few of the things I've mentioned to no avail - could it be something to do with the weather, climate or water I've created?


If anyone knows the solution or can suggest a plan off attack I'd really appreciate it.


Thanks in advance,





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The only thing that worked was removing the outer tower. The sections must be too big/whatever.


Yet another thing I've got to alter/blow away from the plot - I've made my final decision on this one, all out of time.


Having put two years (one in rewrite) I will finish this but at this rate it will be utter garbage.

It is frustrating to the brink of insanity considering all the things I want to do have been done by others on this engine.

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