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Is the Better Sex Mod Compatable with the Equal Love Mod?


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Installed both of these mods and about to start playing. I don't want to get to the sex scene with Alistair and my male human and have these two mods crash each other. Anyone know if they work together, or can I not have the Better Sex with the Equal Love mod at the same time?
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I have been using the Morrigan scenes and Equal Love both together. I however, dont use the KISS scenes that luchaire did, which makes them go straight to the sex scene. I dont know if that makes any difference or not.
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Installed both of these mods and about to start playing. I don't want to get to the sex scene with Alistair and my male human and have these two mods crash each other. Anyone know if they work together, or can I not have the Better Sex with the Equal Love mod at the same time?

Yes, the two mods work fine together. But Luchaire did not create a modified M-M animation for Big Al, so you'll get the M-F one (you're the "F") for whichever race your PC happens to be. And that also means that if you're a dwarf, it's the vanilla one! (Same result with Morrigan if you play a FemWarden and romance her, only you're the "M" in that one.)

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