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More problems with new install and mods


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I'm not sure if I'm in the right place as I don't know if the problem is the mods or the game, so please don't shout at me.


I've installed DAO on my new computer which is now running Win7, I've copied my saved games into the new Bioware folder and they are showing when I choose load game, but even though I have used DAMManager and reinstalled all my mods from Nexus when I try to open a game it says they aren't installed do I want to do a forced load and the DLC from BW Return to Ostegar is on the list of missing mods.


The short answer is no I don't want to do a forced load as I've read it can corrupt the file, I want the mods to work, does anyone know why they aren't working or how I can get them working?


I did think about uninstalling all mods, doing a forced load, saving and then activating all the mods, but I'm desperately trying not to corrupt or loose my old saves, especially the game I was in the middle of playing before the new PC.

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if u dont want to corrupt, if u have more than 1 file, try loading a previous saved file, that is not far from the 1 u want to load, and force load it


and also try to re re install mods and dlc. sometimes they need installing more than once, happens to me alot. i write down the mods that dont work, then delete addins in the addin folder then reisntall, it should work after wards.

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if u dont want to corrupt, if u have more than 1 file, try loading a previous saved file, that is not far from the 1 u want to load, and force load it


and also try to re re install mods and dlc. sometimes they need installing more than once, happens to me alot. i write down the mods that dont work, then delete addins in the addin folder then reisntall, it should work after wards.


Thank you I will give that a try later, when I can concentrate and not be disturbed.

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Ell, did you also copy over your addins.xml file, from your saved/backup documents/bioware/dragon age/settings folder? Thats where all your installed mods & DLC's are listed in, since you didnt manually install them this time around ;)

If you havent copied over that file, and havent manually installed any mods, the addins.xml file that you're using is basically a blank slate. The one that you backed up from the other comp has all the installed mods coded into it, and should fix the problem :)


Good luck and hope the new computer stops givin' you hiccups, so that you can enjoy it :D

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Ell, did you also copy over your addins.xml file, from your saved/backup documents/bioware/dragon age/settings folder? Thats where all your installed mods & DLC's are listed in, since you didnt manually install them this time around ;)

If you havent copied over that file, and havent manually installed any mods, the addins.xml file that you're using is basically a blank slate. The one that you backed up from the other comp has all the installed mods coded into it, and should fix the problem :)


Good luck and hope the new computer stops givin' you hiccups, so that you can enjoy it :D


Thank you. No your right I haven't copied that file over yet :wallbash: bit of a doh moment with that one. I did start a new game not with any intention of playing it I just wanted to see the graphics and WOW what a difference, so I am going to have to decide on a mod that improves the colours of the armour as some of it looks a bit cr*y, people have even coloured eyes :thumbsup: so more choices for mods and the difference in the sound :D which never occurred to me before that there was anything wrong with what I had already.


As for everything else on the new computer, we have hit a problem already the new HD DH bought isn't big enough :ohmy: so he's going to order another and unless we can think of a quick fix it looks like I have to start reinstalling everything again, OH JOY I can hardly wait, on the up side at least I'm starting to get used to Win7, so I won't have spend ages figuring out where they have move X to and what it's call now.

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Ah well, stuff like that happens. Especially when you've been busy copying over a bunch of files already. Its easy to overlook one or two of them. ;)

NICE! I'm really glad to hear that you're seeing improvements in the game quality. Thats definitely encouraging :D Tho I'm sorry to hear that the hdd wasn't big enough. I have to admit curiosity as to what size it is that you put in, that isnt big enough.

YAY! Colored eyes! I know that you'd been struggling with that one for quite some time now, without any resolution :( :( :(


Ugh, yeah. I dunno why MS thinks that htey have to go and move stuff around everytime that they release a new OS. Its like.... just leave it alone so we know where to find it, dammit! Maybe its a marketing scam so that techs have to go get new certifications for the new OS. :mad:

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It isn't easy trying to do things that are second nature with a new program that everything has been changed that's for sure. I think it's an insult to people intelligence, trying to make out you just had to pay £100+ for the same old thing in a difference package with a couple of new things thrown it, that I had already as freebie programs, I mean 'stickies' nothing new there and the 'snipping tool' I had with KingKong Capture, it's just a con to get more money.


I was surprised at the HD, with everything he was saying when ordering the parts I thought he was getting a huge whizzy thing that had terrabytes not GB when in fact he order the same 80gb HD I already had and from what I saw Win7 and the drivers gobbled up most of that.


Do you know if the copied files from the old machine will work OK on this set up, because my old machine was set up wrongly and DA was installed on the C drive but everything else including windows was on the F drive.


I'm not doing any more copying until the new HD is installed, H is wondering if he can ghost to the new HD and then swap them out :unsure: I get the basic idea of what he's talking about, failing that I have got Acronis and wondered if that might be a better way to go, just clone it.

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Ghosting is actually a fairly common practice in the IT field, so it will work. However, all of the settings and everything is going to be copied over exactly as it was, from the source of the image/ghost. So any screwups in your settings and stuff are still going to be there.

Now.... one thing to consider is the windows registry. If like say.... your install directory on the old machine is set for something like C:/games/dragon age/ and the registry is copied over, the machine will STILL look for the game files in C:/games/dragon age. So if you put the files on a different drive, like say for example.... G:/Bioware/Dragonage then it WILL NOT run the game. Registry editing can be dangerous, so if he needs to make some edits to that, make sure that there's a backup made of the registry before starting it ;)


All said, considering the amount of database dependancy that DA has, I myself would go the route of just reinstalling the game, toolset, character creator, dam/damm and whatnot, and then just copy over the documents/bioware/dragon age folder into the new machine.


Ouch. ya know, back in the day... we'd have said "What the HECK does a person need THAT MUCH hdd space for???" Nowadays, its SAD that a machine wont hold the OS and drivers on something with that much capacity.

Eh. MS is always trying to shove out the competition. They add the little knick-knacks that other companies make, to try to keep folks from DLing and using the competitors products. That, and every new version consumes huge more amounts of resources than the last, so even a brand new cutting edge machine isnt running as well as it would with a more streamlined, better built OS. Ugh, gonna stop here, I can rant about MS for a loooooong time.


LOL this is by no means a complaint. But you kinda throw me for a loop when you say "HD". I'm used to seeing a hard drive referred to as a HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and in my field, HD refers to High Density when referring to drives, or High Definition when referencing video. So you're acronyms make me have to stop and think for a second or two. Which is NOT a bad thing, as its a practice that I need to have when I'm studying for my certification tests. Basically, I'm saying thanks for helping me keep the neurons sparking, hahaha ;)

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:D sorry about the hdd and hd confusion, from now on I'll use the right acronyms, but there could still be the odd one that get through.


The new hdd is in and installing the old software didn't take any time at all as I'd had a trial run with Win7, fancy that, so I'm now at the point I was before a few days ago asking for help, fingers crossed the copy all goes OK. This time I didn't bother copying over individual folders/files from the Bioware folder I just copied the whole damned folder, that's as far as I've got.


I did make one almighty c*k up, I was so busy copying, I didn't stop to think that 'importing' meant just that so I've lost my OE address book and quite a few stored emails :wallbash: :wallbash: but there's nothing I can do about it now, except try not to dwell on it and hope and pray that my long lost genealogy cousins contact me sometime in the future :sad:

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Hey, like I said, it wasnt a complaint! Like I said, you're helping me to keep on my toes and to think about what a "customer" might be talking about when I have an issue to work with, in the field. So I'm thanking you for it ;)

And trust me, your use of the terms is MUCH better than some of the people that I have talked to, about computer problems ;)


Hahaha yeah, I have that entire folder backed up. And unless I just need a backup of the savegames, or something like that.... when I reinstalled (three freakin' times!) to get rid of DAA, I was transferring that entire folder over from the backups as well ;)


On the Outlook Express- do you still have the old computer's HDD system intact? Or did you format the drive and use it in another system? Or did the computer end up being given away to somebody?

IF you still have the program system that were on that drive, you can do a backup and restore of OLE. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/270670


OR if you have backups of all the files from your old comp, those might help you figure out which files to copy out to get your address book and stuff back. Hopefully!

I KNOW how much of a headache that can be to loose your contacts and important emails. It SUCKS.

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