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My Top Ten Wishlist...any help or ideas would be appreciated


1) More dialogue with Amata, the Overseer and Moira. Bigger more and interesting conversations, modern dialogue options

2) Lightswitches in every building or option to shoot out the lights to darken room for advantage

3) Clothing store in MegaTon that sells Levi's, cowboy boots, custom armor etc

4) Ability to look into desk drawers to see contents instead of list ( I know impossible right?)

5) Ability to set traps, pick up and set bear traps, tripwires etc, maybe have kits available to buy from Moira

6) Tattoo Parlor somewhere in the wasteland

7) Can we change the red screwdriver for lockpick into a black and yellow Stanley? That would add some real to the game

8) How about instead of annoying big terminals change it to a flatscreen monitor and or desktop PC?

9) Sometype of Raider Hunter Perk, maybe get some unusual weapon or armor as a reward

10) HAM radios that actually do something, maybe gain a quest or something

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