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The Witcher 2


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Found a VERY INTERESTING THING out today from anouther poster on a diff website (but I trust and take at face value)


Dragon Age Origins (which I loved) had 68,000 lines of dialog in game

The Witcher 2 will have 130,000 lines of dialog in game

Deus Ex 3 will have a whoomping 200,000 lines of Dialog in game


Just so you can compare


Fall Out 3 had 40,000

Mass Effect 1 had 20,000

Mass Effect 2 had 25,000 (lol, I know, ME2 had more dialog, talk about not using what you have cause ME1 felt way more complete and talky then 2)


No word on DA2 but id hazzard a guess it will be in the ME2 range of 25k as well do to production time and change of direction away from high brow RPG.


Anyways, found this very interesting. I thought DA:O was very rich and indepth (course DA:O backstory wasnt dialoge, ME1 and 2 were) so cant imagine 130,000 and 200,000. That just blows my mind and even more solidifies why I picked TW2 and DE3 as my top 2 2011 purchases

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GT just put the GC presentation up with a opening discription about the new engine.


Interesting stuff




BTW, The Witcher 2 is cleaning up awards at the German Games con.

Seems everyone that saw it was very impressed!

IGN even took a break from its Blizzard/Bioware exclusivity to do a nice write up



I really hope The Witcher 2 gets the press #1 should have gotten back in 07.


I didnt even hear about this game till I saw a link to The Witcher 2. Downloaded off Steam and WOW, #2 RPG of all time for me, love the game! #2 looks even better.

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