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Simulating Combat?


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Hey, more stuff needed, so I have new creatures, that are set up to be friendly to the player, then a script starts combat so they flee (cowardly ai data) if the player gets to close. It's set up like this so that the creatures don't show up on the compass as enemies, as they are just ambient critters, Once out of range they resetai and turn green again. The only problem with this method, is that as soon as they start combat, if the player has any followers they go all bonkers and start shooting away. So I'm wondering if there's a way to make the critter flee and not have combat start. I think maybe an AI package? I don't have any experience with them tho so I'm not too sure about that.. Anyways, appreciate any insight, or alternate methods if you can think of any that would work.

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Well finally got it to work, could not, for the life of me, to get a Flee Not Combat package to make the creature flee without setting a specific destination, tested around a lot, and could not get it working, I ended up making a Wander package with all the options off set it to always run, and it's sort of working, sometimes they run towards the player though.

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Just a thought, but you could try making the critters be in the same faction as NPC companions. Then you could have them fleeing in combat mode and hopefully the critter/companion allegiance should stop companions from opening fire.


Wouldn't affect other NPCs and I'm not sure what the companions would do if the Player initiated "combat" on their furry friends, causing them to flee. Gotta be worth a try though, right?

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