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Problem With Finding DDS Files


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Hello fellow modders, I'm a rookie at using the GECK and im trying to create a world space. So the problem is when i create a new world space and i go to Select Water Noise Texture a window pops up with only the downloaded textures i have. Not the main DDS files. I have searched everywhere for them but cant find them anywhere! Please someone tell me where to find them at!
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If you want the Vanilla version you will need to unpack them from their compressed form. You will need a program such as BSACommander to unpack them, I think foom might be able to do it as well but I forget. In your data folder you will find the textures.bsa, this is an archive of all the games texture. So once unpacked you can point to the relevant file. Note that if you are using the default water the you shouldnt need to change it as it should be available through the geck anyways.
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