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Generating a new worldspace for a total conversion?


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Hi all,


I'm working on a personal project using Skyrim's engine. The idea is to create a new worldspace (linked worldspaces, I expect) with a separate identity from Skyrim--that is, not set in Skyrim's universe. I've found many good tutorials out there for most of the modding process, and I feel comfortable modeling and texturing landscapes, scripting quests, painting and generated heightmaps (though I'm trying to sort out some glitchiness--tears and such), and so on--but what I don't quite grasp and what I can't find any information on is setting up a worldspace not linked to Skyrim. I understand that a clean master and version control are involved, but figuring out how one goes about setting a new worldspace as a default space into which a character loads at the start of the game isn't something I seem to be able to find anywhere.


It's very possible that I just don't have the language in my brain to describe this, being a relative novice, and thus cannot find the relevant material, so any help would be appreciated. This project is personal in that it's meant to realize a gamespace my father has thought about for a very long time, and it means something with me to at least have a go at fulfilling that. A gift, if you will.


Thanks in advance!

Edited by erehwonnz
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Hi erehwonnz,



To make a new worldspace:



If you want to make a big world, then follow this link.

But if you start with a moderate size one, then just use Creation Kit: World->World Spaces->New.

Two great video tutorials:

a) Heightmap

b) Landscape


You can then place objects from the Object Window to make your world nice.



You can use Oscape to generate LOD for your world.

There is a guide here.

Or there is long a video, what explains how to make lod for anything.



You can have multiple worldspaces, that's not problem. Actually there are multiple worldspaces in the game (Example: Japhet's Folly).


I cannot point you out how to make a new start, but I heard some mods what gives you alternate starts. I fear that you have to do something with the main questline though.





P.S: You should make Navmesh too.

EDIT: I know it's not complete, sorry. But basically this is what you need for a new worldspace.

Edited by Gilron
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Thanks for your reply. I'd visited the Hoddminir page but hadn't seen the videos. Thank you. Seeing the process is mightly helpful.


I'll have to do a bit more investigating about the alternate worldspace start--this gives me something to focus on, though! Thanks! :)

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