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Stargate SG1 - Jaffa Armour (Texture/Blender/UV wrapping problems)


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The Project:

I am currently working on a Jaffa Armour mod for Oblivion. I modelled my basic geometry in Blender, Exported it as an OBJ without touching the UV mapping, then imported it to ZBrush where I worked on the engraving detail, adjustments, subdivisions etc. I then used the Blender plugin, UV Master to create a UV map before exporting my normal and displacement maps, which I then converted to dds.


The Problem:

I imported the OBJ into blender and linked the displacement texture to the object (This is only to see what it would look like in game, before editing further). I have the UV option turned on in the UV mapping section and everything, then I added the weight and everything else needed before exporting as a NIF. I can open the model fine in Nifskope and it fits nicely on the characters shoulders, however there is no texture, despite filenames, formats etc being all correct. I am presuming there is a problem with the UV mapping, however I'm not sure where it could have occured as I have done everything correctly as far as I can see. I think it is a problem in Blender though as when I render it out there is no texture, even when I change to a checking texture. Also I can't view the UV map in blender for some reason. Has anyone got any suggestions as I am tearing my hair out at the moment trying to locate the problem.


Here is a render from ZBrush to show you my progress. I have modelled the full armour however I'm just trying to do this 1 bit first just so I can see it in Game and work out how to do everything before detailing the rest of the armour.


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Some basic ideas as without seeing a Blender screenshot is just fumbling in the dark :P.


Open up the UV window and ensure that the object is selected, go to edit mode and select everything. the mapped uv should show up in the UV window. That will tell if it is unwrapped in Blender.


Secondly would be to ensure that you are using these mapped UV coordinates. To ensure you have textures & materials applied, specifically a normal map & diffuse, in the map input selecting UV when you have unwrapped your model, map to section, col -> diffuse, nor -> normal, map image for the normal texture -> normal map button.


Also pressing either alt-z/shift -z should switch to textured mode where the UV is used assuming you have an image mapped from above.

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Its just appears that you havent unwrapped it. I personally do my own UV mapping in Blender so it would seem to be a probelm with either the obj that gets generated or else the plug-in. I assum it unwraps either in Blender or in z-brush so that could be where the problem lies.
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I have unwrapped it though. I unwrapped it in ZBrush, as it uses the UV information to generate the normal maps,textures etc. The problem is Blender isn't using the UVs. I don't know if its a problem with ZBrush's export or Blender's import
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If you try exporting a basic mesh from zbrush as an obj, to see if it works without using the script. Then import into Blender. You could also try exporting into a different format as the plugin might corrupt the format when saving it to that format, assuming zbrush can.
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