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Weird bug/glitch/something? Involving "The House Always Wins II"


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I don't know if this is being caused by any mods I'm running, I recently emigrated from console and have NEVER had this happen.


Basically a few very annoying items have occured at the Bunker at Fort. Hill


After the generator portion of the bunker is a room where the next door is stated to be "permenantly locked" and removing the door with commands reveals empty space behind it, nothing's there.


It's also this room that makes me think this "may" be caused by Ag Supplementary, because in a large wall safe in the same room contains a custom weapon (Goliath) which I'm pretty sure is added by it (the only other weapon mod I'm using is Weapons of the new MIlenia)


I suppose I could try disabling the mod for now but I'd like to hold off if I can, I've been trying to forcibly complete the quest but a number of issues are present.


1)- The quest isn't even in my log for some reason despite getting a prompt that is was started when I talked to House in the Lucky 38


2)- Using "completequest 00147886" shows the quest being completed on screen, but it still isn't shown on the log (House still says I need to upload the chip) and using "sqs" shows it is still uncomplete



Can anyone offer any suggestions? Has anyone else had this happen to them?

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So I buckled down and tried disabling AG Supplementary but aside from removing the safe and all the relevant items in my inventory it didn't change anything, I tried everything I mentioned in my OP with the mod off and I couldn't complete or acces the quest, and I can't leave the weather statin because Caeser still needs me to do something.


Unless I find a fix my only out is to destroy the generators, and I don't want to do that.

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