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Better textures for Sylvanas Armor


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first sorry for my english, this is not my natal language. And sorry for the wrong things that i say, i'm not a modder, just a player.


I was wondering if someone who will have the courage of Retextured an armor of Sylvanas made by Asianboy345.


The armor can be download with this like : http://www.loverslab.com/topic/20021-asianboy345s-conversions-to-skyrim/?hl=sylvanas

It would be great if a modder could retexture the armor with a better definition to make it look like real better, you know, better graphics.


All right of the original amor goes to Asianboy345, if someone has the courage, then thx you very much.



Friendship of Coupa10, a french player in a world of english modder.

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